Watch this video to learn more about our mission and approach to ministry:


The Need:


Poverty in Africa and South Asia

  • Many of our schools are located in regions with more than 59% of children under the age of 18 living in poverty.

  • Illiteracy in rural areas is 90%.

  • 35-50% of children are malnourished.

  • 45% of the people do not have access to clean water or adequate sanitation.

  • Millions of children in these two regions live in slums and extreme poverty.

  • Nearly 50% of all deaths in children under the age of 5 in South Asia are attributable to malnutrition.

Religion in Zambia

While Christianity is accepted in most parts of Zambia, other religions present a challenge to biblical Christianity and the Gospel:

Witchcraft and Sorcery — Animistic beliefs strongly affect the lives of many Zambians. Widespread superstitions and occult practices oftentimes overlap and pollute Christian belief.

Islam — Muslims are aggressively targeting Zambia, and it is growing twice as fast as Christianity.

Jehovah’s Witnesses — This false religion is very numerous and active in outreach. Their literature floods the nation and confuses many professing Christians.

Religion in West Africa

Islam — Islam is the predominant religion in West Africa, and anyone who puts their faith in Jesus are disowned by their family and face persecution.

Religion in South Asia

In this region, majority of people follow Polytheistic religions with no concept of sin and the need for a savior. Millions of children live in extreme poverty and end up working for a syndicate begging for money. In some cases, girls as young as 8 years of age are forced into prostitution.

Sources: Operation World, Global Nutrition Report 2018 & UNICEF

How Do We Do it?

Caring for the Orphan and the Poor

We believe the Bible is clear on the importance of caring for the poor, the orphan, and the most vulnerable in our world — especially children. Yet, how do we do this? How do we care for the body, mind, and soul of “the least of these” while also sharing with them the hope that’s found in knowing Jesus Christ?

The Gospel at the Heart

We believe the Gospel is the power to transform lives (Rom. 1:16). The Gospel is good news for the poor and the orphan because it is through Christ’s poverty that we become rich and through Christ’s sacrifice that we are adopted through faith in Him (2 Cor. 8:9, Rom. 8:15). Because of this amazing truth, the Gospel is at the heart of all that we do in helping orphans and impoverished children.


Christian Education

The work of BCA begins with our desire to give each child a distinctly Christian education through our child sponsorship program. Our schools are the main vehicle for reaching the orphan and the poor with the Gospel. We are committed to implementing a rigorous Christian education so that children will be equipped for their future vocations and a life in submission to the Gospel (Deut. 6:4-9).

Church Planting

Because our schools, at their core, are a church planting strategy, our end goal is not simply a Christian education. Our end goal is the same as the church! It’s making disciples, and seeing those disciples follow Jesus in healthy churches. At each one of our schools, we have partnered with church planters to plant a church at each location.

Missions Mobilization

We believe the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20) was given to the Church. Therefore, we seek to serve and empower local churches in fulfilling Christ’s command of being witnesses “to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8). We partner with theologically aligned churches to support the work of our schools and church planting efforts.

Where We Serve

Zambia, Africa

BCA has two school locations in Zambia, Africa. Our first location began in 2011 in the Copperbelt region of Zambia, and our second location began in 2014 in the Northern region of Zambia.


West Africa

BCA started its first school location in 2021 with 141 students. We now have 8 schools with 1216 students including 29 deaf students at our deaf school.

South Asia

Earlier this year, we started a weekly feeding program ministry in a rural village where 300 kids living in slums are fed a nutritious meal. So far, we have had 65 adults and children that have come to put their faith in Jesus. God willing, we will start a BCA school there soon.

Child Sponsorship

Sponsoring a child means giving the child a Christian education, daily nutritious meals, and an opportunity to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ on a regular basis and attend a local church.