Our Approach


Sharing Hope through
Gospel-Centered Christian Education


Partnering with Missionaries
to Plant Churches


Mobilizing the Church to
Fulfill the Great Commission


Our Name

House of Bread

In Hebrew, Bethlehem is from two words and means “house of bread“ — “house” (Beth as in Beth-el, “house of God”) and “bread” (lehem). G. K. Chesterton once said, “an open mind is like an open mouth, both are meant to close on something solid.” At Bethlehem Christian Academy, both the child's mind and mouth will close on something beneficial for life. One bread will nourish the body, while the other nourishes the soul.

Nourishing the Body

All students attending Bethlehem Christian Academy will receive a hot meal during their school day. This may be the only daily meal they eat as food is occasionally scarce certain times of the year. A hot, filling meal is a strong incentive to be present for class. Additionally, hungry bellies contribute to distracted minds, therefore nourishing the body will lead to increased concentration and focus for the students. By acknowledging and meeting a fundamental need in their lives, they will listen with attentive and more trusting ears to the Gospel message presented consistently.

Nourishing the Soul

It isn’t enough to just feed in order to keep alive, but to feed so that one may eat of the bread of life, Jesus Christ (John 6:35). Both kinds of bread are critical for physical and spiritual survival. It is our constant mission to make the Gospel of Jesus Christ central to all we do in feeding, educating, and helping to provide for the basic needs of the poor and orphan.



Watch this video to learn more about our mission and approach to ministry:


Join the Mission

Sponsor a Child

Share hope with a child living in poverty and make a Gospel impact that can transform a life for an eternity.

Church Partnerships

BCA partners with local churches that share our vision for Christian education, church planting, and missions mobilization.


Your gift goes toward the work of transforming the lives of orphans and impoverished children in the power of the Gospel.